Indigenous Tattoo Practitioners
"My people will sleep for 100 years and when they awake, it will be the artists who give them back their spirit"...Louis Riel, Metis
Current Tattoo PractitionersIndigenous traditional tattooing is being revived all over the world. Cultural practitioners such as Keone Nunez, Dion Kaszas, Nahaan, Turumakina Duley and Elle Festin are impowering Indigenous communities to revive traditional techniques and decolonize the Indigenous art of tattooing. These practitioners have paved the way to re-learning the art of tattooing and have provided an opportunity for California Indians too again have these indelible markers of identity applied by Indigenous cultural practitioners.
Ancestral Ink Symposium
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Ancestral Ink video brought to you by Kua’aina Associates & Broken Boxes Podcast
Emerging Indigenous Tattoo Practitioners |
Elle Festin and his staff of Indigenous tattoo artists at Spiritual Journeys Tattoo in Stanton, California, hosted a learning session for California Indian and Indigenous women to learn the cultural practice of tattooing, in the traditional hand poking style. During the workshop attendees learned about tattoo hygiene, blood borne pathogens, stenciling, needle selection, pigments and how to apply a hand poked tattoos. Tattoo apprentice Joseph Ash allowed each of us the opportunity to make our first indelible marks on his leg for practice. After practicing on Joseph, we tattooed each other or ourselves for practice. Empowering Indigenous people to be involved in the revitalization process, is part of our self-determination as California Indians. We will be forever grateful to Spiritual Journeys tattoo and their staff for sharing their space, knowledge and time, in the revitalization of California Indian tattoo practitioners. A special thanks to shop manager Nicolette Torres for helping with the organization of the workshop.
Indigenous Cultural Tattoo Practitioners Workshop
Indigenous Tattooing Throughout the World
Video trailers by Skindigenous
Videos provided by Dion Kaszas and YouTube at @dionkaszas